About the Journal


The KB Law Scholars Publication UK is an open access online journal committed to academic visibility for researchers and scholars around the world. The Journal is a periodic open-access and interface online publication. Manuscripts for publication are jointly reviewed by legal experts of the various faculties and Colleges of Law and other top-notch academics in the law knowledge-based industry, around the world. KB Law Scholars Publication (KB LSP) Journal enjoys robust and relevant indexing and abstraction by ResearchGate, Google Scholar and Datacite with a consequent issuance of a digital object identifier (DOI) number for every publication hosted by KB LSP website.

Submission of papers and items

The Editorial Board of KB Law Scholars Publication (UK) Publishers of KB Law Scholars Journal (KBLSJ) calls for submission of original and well-researched papers/articles, statutes reviews, case reviews in any area of the law, specifically in the area of Public law, Jurisprudence and International Law or any other relevant regime of Law.

All submissions are required to comply with the following guidelines, save and except, for papers submitted by authors from Nigeria. 

  • All papers must be original and should NOT have been submitted elsewhere for publication.
  • Papers submitted for publication must be in English language, typed double-spaced on an A4 size, using Microsoft Office Word, Times New Roman Style and on font 12.
  • Footnotes should also be Times New Roman style, 10 font size and must be placed seriatim at the bottom of each page. Please keep notes, which will appear as footnotes, to a minimum. Footnotes should be as brief as possible, used primarily for references to quotations, views or arguments, and not used for excessive discursive passages. Endnotes are not acceptable.
  • A full paper should be within the range of Twenty (20) pages or 10,000.00 words, using either the NALT for those submitting in Nigeria and / or OSCOLA 2012 or any other law standard referencing style for legal research consistently. Case notes and all other reviews should NOT exceed a maximum of 10 to 12 pages.
  • Papers submitted must have a cover page containing names, titles, institutional affiliations qualifications, e- mail addresses and telephone numbers of the author(s).
  • Papers submitted for publications must contain an Abstract not exceeding 350 words, an Introduction and a Conclusion.
  • Papers submitted for publication will be subjected to double-blind review by our reviewers from any part of the world. A feedback will thereafter be communicated to the contributor(s) as may be appropriate.
  • Authors are expected to pay for the review fees to a designated account. The approved bank and evidence of payment must be attached to the mail address.
  • The opinions and accuracy of facts contained in each paper are and remains the opinions of the authors and not of the editorial board.

  • All Papers submitted must be original and should not infringe on the personal or copyrights of others.

Submission dates: usually before end of February, April, June, August, September and December every year. Submission to be made to kblawsp@gmail.com 

Submission guidelines: https://kblsp.org.ng/index


The KBLSP charge the Nigerian equivalent of ₦55,000:00 (Fifty five Thousand Naira) fee in order to augment the cost of review, digital object identifier (DOI) and publication fees. Foreign contributors: $35 USD



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For further inquiries contact:
KB Law Scholars Publication at kblawsp@gmail.com

